Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Umami on the Prowl: Blue Truck Teppanyaki

How's this for timely:  local TV station KITV has run a story on the proliferation of lunch wagons!  I'm not sure I buy the concept that bad economic times prompt people to go into the lunchwagon business, since I'm not sure where they would be getting the startup capital.  But I suppose it speaks to the popularity of the plate lunch here that there are so many.  And I'm certainly glad they seem to be proliferating around the office.  In fact, most of the lunchwagons in the Food Gallery! are in the vicinity . . . Yuki's is even shown in the story!  (Haven't tried their roast pork yet, though, might have to make a run for it tomorrow!)

Speaking of lunchwagons, Umami has seen Blue Truck Teppanyaki a couple of times, but had never tried it until today.  Always meant to, because you can smell the garlic and meats cooking, since they cook to order.  (Of course, that means you have to wait a bit longer than usual with a lunchwagon, so plan accordingly.)   Interestingly, they also have spicy ahi, and I love spicy ahi, so ordered a mix of garlic teriyaki chicken and spicy ahi.  The spicy ahi was actually spicy and very tasty.  Ms. D approved.  The garlic teri chicken I initially thought needed salt but I poured some of the extra sauce (provided on the side) and it was fine and, even better, there was definitely a garlic feel (not just taste) to the chicken!  Cool!  But maybe not so great for anyone I talked to this afternoon, hehe.  Plate came with grilled vegetables and a little bit of corn, so I can even say I had vegetables today!

Blue Truck Teppanyaki
Mililani Street between Queen and King, Tu-Th lunch.  They move around on M, F and dinnertime.

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