Monday, May 2, 2011

Quick hit: Curry House Coco Ichibanya/Mothers Federal Hill Grille

What with thunder and lightning and waterspouts and traffic out from downtown to Hawaii Kai, Umami opted for dinner in town.  Curry House Coco Ichibanya is on the street level of Ala Moana Center, facing the park.
Vegetable Croquette and Stewed Chicken Curry, Spicy.

Perfectly competent Japanese style curry sauce, with your choice of a slew of "entrees."  Umami passed on the natto curry (next time!  not!) and went with the vegetable croquette and stewed chicken, spicy.   Nice, but don't eat at the counter in the restaurant . . . it's too hot . . . especially if  you have the spicy curry . . . Umami's just sayin' . . .

On a different subject:  if someone in Baltimore would send Umami one of these, it'd be much appreciated: Heart Attack on a Plate from Mothers Federal Hill Grille.

Curry House Coco Ichibanya
Ala Moana Center, Street Level, Makai
1450 Ala Moana Blvd
Honolulu, HI 96814
(808) 949-4590

1 comment:

  1. I heart their croquettes (haha well ok, anything fried), but I really like the kalbi curry with CHEESE (ha..ok, anything with cheese). Curry, totally, a gloomy weather feast! Yummers!
