Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cold Ginger Chicken Cake Noodle

Sandy, the lady who owned Yuki Lunchwagon, apparently retired earlier this year and passed the reins of her lunchwagon to new ownership.  Now called Golden Bowl, the lunchwagon is on the same site as Yuki's and, for the most part, kept the same menu.

Recently, however, they've been adding new items.  One day, they had a Cold Ginger Chicken plate and a Teri Chicken Cake Noodle plate.  Since you can mix any two items, Umami ordered a mix:  Cold Ginger Chicken and Teri Chicken Cake Noodle.

There must have been a miscommunication, because what he got instead was Cold Ginger Chicken Cake Noodle . . .
Cold Ginger Chicken Cake Noodle
It's an odd mix, but the chicken was fine, and had lots of the ginger and green onion.   The cake noodle, alas, was so-so, hard, and luke warm.  Maybe the chicken cooled it off.  Would be better off just getting the chicken plate.  Maybe next time.

Golden Bowl Lunchwagon
Lauhala Street between Queen's Hospital and Board of Water Supply, on the Ewa side of the street.  It's the one closest to the street.


  1. Golden Bowl .. as in the Chinese/Filipino take-out formerly in Tardis Bldg?! NM, don't tell me, that's too far of a walk to get cake noodle.

  2. combining two of my favorites dishes into one...looks good. Yummy!
