Saturday, February 12, 2011

Punahou Carnival 2011 "The Carnival Before Time"

Lis asked if Umami was going to Punahou Carnival and, if not, how about checking out First Friday in Chinatown, since it had been a while since they'd gone.  Umami asked Lis when was the last time she'd gone to Carnival and the answer was . . . college.  (So, years ago.  More than a couple.  Like Lots.  You get the idea.)

Parking was $8 at Central Union Church, which was reasonable and had the added benefit of avoiding the heavier vehicular and pedestrian traffic around Punahou itself.  Just inside Main Gate, the Merry-Go-Round:
Entering the Carnival Grounds
First order of business was food (and a lot of it) so first went to Hawaiian Plate, which is in Dole Cafeteria, which is up the hill from the main carnival grounds (here's a map).
Hawaiian Plate
For $7.50, get rice and poi, lomi salmon, lau lau, haupia . . . i.e., lots of food.  The nice thing about Hawaiian Plate is that you can actually sit down (it is in a cafeteria after all) and listen to live entertainment (Punahou alums that happen to play music).  On Friday night, Manoa DNA was playing.  Umami was really impressed by their version of Kalapana's "The Hurt."  Unfortunately, he doesn't have a video of that performance . . . but did find this one of them at Kanikapila Grill:
Here's a pic:
Manoa DNA:  LIVE in Dole Cafeteria
After that, more food . . .
Funnel Cake
Deep Fried Twinkie
So, yes, a funnel cake and a deep fried Twinkie . . . Umami is not proud of this.  The funnel cake was okay.  Oddly, deep frying improves a Twinkie because it makes the filling creamier instead of the normally synthetic goo substance.  Umami also thinks its funny the way it oozed out and fried.  Downside, though, is that Umami could not eat anything after that, so, no malasadas this year.  Next time!
Aloha, Carnival 2011!

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